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Alternator Rectifiers
CARGO 235655, AS-POLAND ARC1024, TRANSPO DER1650 for MERCEDES-BENZ Alternator Rectifiers
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CARGO 235655, AS-POLAND ARC1024, TRANSPO DER1650 for MERCEDES-BENZ Alternator Rectifiers

CARGO 235655, AS-POLAND ARC1024, TRANSPO DER1650 for MERCEDES-BENZ Alternator Rectifiers
RCT1202 MERCEDES-BENZ Alternator Rectifiers
235655, DER1650, Rectifier, SPECS FOR: Delco LT744 Series 190A/12V Liquid Cooled Alternators
Replaces: CARGO 235655, AS-POLAND ARC1024, TRANSPO DER1650, GAUSS GA1403, WOODAUTO RTF50047, KRAUF AED5655
Unit Nos: DELCO: 10480403, 10480404, 10480407, 10480408
MERCEDES-BENZ: A0001500850, A0001501650, A0001501750, A0001502450, A0001502550
Features: CURRENT: 190A
DIODE: 12x50A
SCREW B+: M8X15.8mm
Manufacturer: DELCO
AS-P L ARC1024
POWERMAX 1113659
WAIglobal DER1650
SANDO SRC12100.0
MERCEDES-BENZ: E200 / E220 2.2 2000>2002, E270 / E320 2.7 2001>2002, S320 3.2 1999>2002
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