function SetOrderForm(item_no,item_name,item_price)
var cookieString=document.cookie;
if (cookieString.length>=4000)
alert("The product quantity is full\nPlease add new products after finishing this order operation!");
// else if(item_amount.indexOf('.')!=-1)
// {
// alert("数量输入错误!");
// }
var mer_list=ReadOrderForm('24_OrderForm');
var Then = new Date();
var item_detail="|"+item_no+"&"+item_name+"&"+item_price;
document.cookie="24_OrderForm="+escape(item_detail)+";expires=" + Then.toGMTString()+";path=/";
if (mer_list.indexOf(escape(item_no))!=-1)
//alert('This product has been added!')
alert("","This product has been added !", function() {
//after click the confirm button, will run this callback function
}, {
//type: 'success',
confirmButtonText: 'OK'
document.cookie="24_OrderForm="+mer_list+escape(item_detail)+";expires=" + Then.toGMTString()+";path=/";
//alert("“"+item_name+"”\n"+"This product has been added!");
// var x = document.cookie;
// alert(x);
function updateOrderCookie()
var rowscount=document.getElementById("test").rows.length;
var item_detail="";
for(var i=1;i<=(parseInt(rowscount)-1);i++)
// document.write(document.getElementById("test").rows(i).cells(1).innerText);
var Then = new Date();
document.cookie="24_OrderForm="+escape(item_detail)+";expires=" + Then.toGMTString()+";path=/";
function clearOrder()
var Then = new Date();
document.cookie="24_OrderForm='';expires=" + Then.toGMTString()+";path=/";
function add()
var div = document.getElementById('Cart');
div.scrollTop = div.scrollHeight;
EGT Sensors
The exhaust gas temperature sensor quickly triggers an alarm when the catalytic converter is abnormally hot. This protects the catalytic converter and prevents high temperature-related failures. The sensor is mainly installed behind the catalytic converter transformer. It monitors the temperature to ensure maximum catalytic efficiency. The temperature detector is vulnerable, and needs to be well protected. Delcoribo works hard to do everything right from raw materials to end products.
BMW EGT Sensors
13628506995, SMP ETS105 BMW X5 2009-2013