James Smith        August 08, 2020
The earliest car manufacturer to use a petrol pump was Buick Motor Manufacturing Company in the USA. Most of the electric fuel pumps are installed in the fuel tank and sealed through the fuel tank cap, so if they are installed on the engine or chassis the noise generated will be very loud and there will be hidden dangers such as oil leakage (worrying about bottoming out) and entering air, so external installation is not used.

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James Smith        August 08, 2020
The fuel pump, an important fuel supply system on the car, is not working in the car, it will directly lead to the vehicle can not drive, work poorly, out will appear vehicle acceleration wheezing phenomenon. Failure, no aura, and can not fire, deal with the inconvenience. Therefore, it is very important to find and judge the fault and solve it in time.

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James Smith        August 07, 2020
In terms of using the car, the service life of the fuel pump is often directly related to the quality of the fuel, refuelling habits, vehicle failure and other factors, so when using the car should not only avoid using impurities in the fuel, but also regularly check and replace the fuel filter, in order to improve the service life of the electronic fuel pump and achieve effective prevention of various types of electronic fuel pump failure.

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James Smith        August 08, 2020
The traditional auto fuel pump bottom cover and pump body riveting is through the manual oil pump into the stamping mold through the air press stamping for riveting, in the manual processing of the completed oil pump removed, inefficient, and because the stamping mold fixed in the air press, in the pick and place the oil pump there is a certain risk.

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James Smith        August 06, 2020
In the hydraulic system, the oil pump has the greatest work load and the heaviest wear, in order to ensure good working condition of the oil pump and prolong the service life, it is required to use clean oil. To prevent impurities in the oil to the oil pump in the higher precision parts caused by serious wear. Overload is strictly prohibited in the work, otherwise, in addition to increased wear, and very easy to damage the seal.

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James Smith        August 04, 2020
The fuel pressure regulator belongs to the fuel supply system of the electronic control engine, and controls the fuel pressure of the injector (Generally, the pressure is about 324kPa, and the specific pressure value will be varied depending on the engine model. In the article titled how to test the fuel pressure, you can learn more about the fuel pressure). In addition, the pressure regulator acts like a check valve on a fuel pump to maintain residual pressure in the fuel line.

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James Smith        August 02, 2020
The causes of petrol pump failure are: 1. insufficient oil in the fuel tank; 2. poor quality of petrol; 3. long-term failure to replace the petrol filter. The symptoms of car petrol pump failure are: 1, the supply system of fuel collapses, the vehicle cannot be started; 2, no residual pressure, fuel pressure does not reach the specified fuel pressure value, poor atomisation and difficult starting; 3, the engine fault light is on, the engine shakes abnormally.

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James Smith        August 01, 2020
Oil injection pumps are classified as: plunger injection pumps, injector injection pumps and rotor distribution injection pumps. The oil injection pump is an important part of the diesel engine, which consists of the pumping mechanism, oil supply adjustment mechanism, driving mechanism and oil injection pump body.

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James Smith        July 31, 2020
When replacing the oil pump, be sure to remove the old one. First we have to cut the battery wires, then remove the timing belt and the crankshaft timing pulley. Once this is done the generator and its bracket can be removed, followed by the compressor and compressor bracket as well. Next remove the oil pan and oil pump filter collector and remove the oil level gauge. Finally, the oil level gauge bolt should be removed together with the oil level gauge tube, so that the oil pump is successfully dismantled.

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James Smith        July 30, 2020
In classical vehicle,the carburetor engine is widely used. In a carbureted engines, the fuel is mixed with the air in the carburetor. Once the fuel and air are mixed they are pushed through the intake manifold and through the open intake valve. The carburetor work on the principle of pressure zones. When the air passes by the jet it creates a low-pressure zone which pulls the fuel through the nozzle.

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